Q: Who owns and operates Pinnacle Peak Country Club?
A: Pinnacle Peak Country Club is a private, member-owned Club since 1976.
Q: What amenities does Pinnacle Peak Country Club offer?
A: A lush, traditional 18-hole golf course, fitness center, tennis courts, pickleball courts, spacious clubhouse with five full-service dining and lounge facilities that impart a pleasurable atmosphere of warmth and elegance, full-service golf shop operated by our professional PGA Staff, and attended men's and ladies' locker rooms. Our traditional 18-hole championship golf course is walkable. We offer pull carts and motorized golf carts. Members pay golf cart fees, but will not pay green fees.
Q: Is Membership in the club limited?
A: To ensure the luxury of uncrowded golf at all times, a high level of service and the best golfing experience, membership is limited to 325 family or single memberships. No real estate ownership is required for membership.
Q: Does Pinnacle Peak Country Club offer Social Memberships?
A: Yes. Social Membership status is limited to 50 memberships. Social Memberships provide access to dining facilities, card rooms, heated swimming pool, fitness center, tennis courts, pickleball courts and locker rooms.
Q: Who in my family will be entitled to use the club facilities?
A: The primary member, his/her spouse or designated partner, and the unmarried children of either spouse, (who are under the age of 26, in the military, living at home or attending school on a full-time basis), enjoy the club facilities on the same basis as the member. The ability to spend quality time with members of your family is of paramount importance. The Club is committed to providing a pleasant country club environment. The Club provides programs and activities that are appealing to family members of all ages, based on interest and participation.
Q: Will other family members be entitled to use the club facilities?
A: Yes. A qualified family member may play golf ten times (excluding Member/Guest and invitational events) “in-season” and unlimited times “out-of-season.” A family member is defined as a father, mother, brother, sister, son, daughter, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law or grandchild of the member, spouse or designated partner, and may use the Club facilities upon payment of reduced fees established by the Club.
Q: What is your tipping policy?
A: Pinnacle Peak Country Club is a non-tipping club. We do request that our Members adhere to this policy and invite them to participate in the employee fund once per year should they desire.
Q: May I bring guests to the club?
A: We very much value the guests of our Members. We offer both in-season and out-of-season guest rates. You will find pricing differs for guests and family guests. Guests may play six (6) in-season rounds per calendar year, regardless of the number of hosting Members involved. Family guests are not included in the six (6) in-season rounds limit. All guests must be accompanied by a Member.
Q: Does Pinnacle Peak Country Club have a food and beverage minimum?
A: Yes. Pinnacle Peak Country Club currently has a $1,500 annual minimum for food and beverage combined. The annual food and beverage minimum for a single member is $1,000. The club reserves the right to change the amount of the minimum requirement. The food and beverage minimum for a Junior Member or Intermediate Member is discounted.
Q: How are initiation deposits and membership fees determined?
A: Pinnacle Peak Country Club’s Board of Directors is responsible for determining initiation fees and deposits, as well as monthly dues and fees. Monthly membership fees are discounted for Members age 45 and below.
Q: Is there a forum for communication between the Club and Members?
A: Yes. To ensure that Pinnacle Peak Country Club provides the services and activities that our Members desire, a Board of Directors has been formed, composed of Members. The Board is authorized to conduct and manage the affairs of the Club in accordance with the Bylaws.
Q: Is Pinnacle Peak Country Club an equity Club? What is an equity Club?
A: Yes, limited equity is offered. In a Member-owned or equity Club, each equity Member has an ownership interest in the Club, similar to the ownership of stock in a corporation. This type of Club permits its equity Members to control their club through the right to vote. The Club Facilities are operated and managed under the direction of a Board of Directors ultimately elected by the equity Members. Major issues are generally decided by the vote of the equity Members, such as amendments to the membership documents.
Q: What benefits are provided by Member Ownership?
A: As a result of Member control, a Member-owned Club assumes the characteristics of its membership. The Club experience and lifestyle are enhanced by the heightened interest and participation of the Members. Member-ownership creates great cohesiveness.
Q: Are memberships transferable or refundable?
A: If applicable, membership is transferable to surviving spouses only. Membership is not refundable. Equity is payable after resignation, subject to current Bylaws.
Q: Is membership in the club connected to real estate?
A: Pinnacle Peak Country Club membership is not linked to ownership of property in the surrounding area.
Q: Tell me about your Golf Course.
A: Our "Claim to Fame" is our unique, uncrowded, traditional, parkland-style championship golf course with beautiful tree-lined fairways. Ours is not the customary desert golf course found in Arizona. The course offers dramatic views, lush fairways, and pristine greens. This walkable golf course is par - 72, 7,030-yard Dick Turner design. We are nestled in the McDowell mountain range and we provide an ideal setting. We also offer a expansive practice range and manicured putting/chipping facility to keep your game in tune.
Q: How do I set up tee times?
A: Tee times are easily made for group or individual play via a mobile app, our website, or simply by making a phone call to our Golf Shop. Tee times are scheduled through a user-friendly golf reservation system called ForeTees that can be accessed through the PPCC Member website. Tee times may be made seven day in advance to guarantee your day and time.
Q: Can I use my own cart or walk when I play golf at Pinnacle Peak Country Club?
A: Private golf carts are not allowed. Golf carts and pull carts are available with a cart fee through the Golf Shop. Members are allowed to walk and carry on the course.
Q: Do you have a Ladies' Club? When do they play?
A: The Club has two ladies' groups. The Niners play 9-holes on Mondays and the 18-WGA group play 18-holes on Tuesdays. Each group charges an annual fee.
Q: Does PPCC offer reciprocal privileges during the summer months?
A: Yes. The Club offers reciprocal use privileges and arrangements with several private Clubs from mid-May until overseeding (late September or early October).
Q: Does the professional Golf Staff offer lessons?
A: Yes. Pinnacle Peak Country Club has PGA Professionals available for group and private golf lessons. Clinics are offered throughout the year. Check the monthly newsletter for dates and costs.
Q: What is the Hole-in-One Club?
A: Pinnacle Peak Country Club offers the Hole-in-One Club on an optional basis for a nominal fee for both men and women. The funding for this club is billed whenever there is a hole-in-one on our course by a Member of the Hole-in-One Club. The Member who shot the hole-in-one is then credited half of the funding (after deducting trophy costs) to the Member credit book account for purchases in the Golf Shop. The other half of the funding is credited to their Member billing account for use in buying a round of drinks for all players who are in the Club (for a period of two hours).
Q: Does Pinnacle Peak Country Club require soft spikes and is there a dress code?
A: Yes. Pinnacle Peak Country Club requires the use of approved soft spikes on the golf course and practice facilities. Our dress code is traditional to most private Clubs and does not allow tee-shirts. Men are required to wear collared shirts.
Q: Is there a fee for a Locker? What does it include?
A: Yes. There is an annual fee if you are interested in either a shoe locker or a half locker. Shoe shines for street and golf shoes are included. There is an additional fee for spike replacement and shoe-lace replacement.
Q: Do you offer a Player Development Program?
A: Whether you are a beginner or an avid golfer, you can learn the game and develop skills with our golf clinics for Members of all ages and abilities. Four PGA Golf Professionals are available for all levels of instruction including private lessons, clinics, mini-schools and junior programs. All professionals are trained club fitters. Covering a wide range of topics from the rules of golf etiquette to long and short game techniques, our golf professionals will work with you and your family to fine-tune every aspect of your game. You'll have the opportunity to learn new techniques and improve your skills with wood, irons, chipping, putting and much more.
Q: What is the Mill River Program?
A: This is your opportunity to obtain significant cost-savings on high quality sports equipment, custom fit golf clubs, and apparel in our golf shop by paying cost plus 20%. Special preferred Member pricing is available on every item - including special orders. Our Golf Shop is completely stocked with the finest golf merchandise. Not only will you enjoy the convenience of making your purchases at the Club, but you will also receive substantial savings.
Q: How do I become a Member of Pinnacle Peak Country Club?
A: To become a Member of Pinnacle Peak Country Club, you must submit a fully completed and signed Nomination for Membership with a deposit for membership. Submit all paper work to the Member Relations and Communications Coordinator by calling (480) 585-6992. She will be happy to provide you a tour of our facility, and discuss opportunities for Membership at Pinnacle Peak Country Club.
